Setting up and management of water aerodromes
and surfaces for seaplane operations

The members of the Team opened and managed dozens of water surfaces in Europe and in some extra-European country.

Members from Como manage the largest seaplane base in the hemisphere between North America and the Maldives.


Left, the Como water aerodrome, with the reserved areas, the buoys and the traffic circuits.
Center, alternate areas in presence of anomalous winds.
Right, three permanent water surfaces on Lake Como, Lake Pusiano and Lake Lugano, managed by Aero Club Como.


Left, the strange case of the water surface of Campione, on Lake Lugano, an Italian enclave in Swiss territory.
Center, a water surface in the center of the city of Turin, on the Po river.
Right, a water surface in the bay of S. Antioco, Sardinia.



A study for the re-opening of the historical water aerodromes of the province of Varese, Italy. A research of ancient documents and maps (right) was the first step.



Two of the 120 charts prepared for the Civil Protection agency of the Province of Como.
The task was a census of all water surfaces suitable for emergency seaplane operations in the province.
Right, one of the water surfaces used by Aqua Airlines off the Vulcano island, in Southern Italy.


Managing typical emergencies at a seaplane base.


Setting up a permanent “water surface”

Below, an example of a part of the correspondence needed to set up a permanent water surface for seaplane operations in Italy.

A series of authorities are involved and every document is the result of weeks or months of hard work and human relations.


Project of a large seaplane base and water aerodrome

Below, a plan of a large seaplane base in China, prepared with the consultancy of the Seaplane Team.